Friday, June 19, 2009

And the Journey Begins...

In less than 48 hours, theWell's second mission team of the year will be arriving in Nairobi, Kenya. The team consists of 8 females and 6 males, which is the largest team that has ventured into the bush of Kenya from Seacoast. Stay connected to this blog, as we attempt to keep you connected to our team. The journey is long, challenging and difficult, yet rewarding. We know God has called us to travel to this country to share His love with those we will meet. We pray that you will join us on this journey and pray along with us, as we watch God do miracles.

Here are a few details that you may want to do.

Who We Are:

-Sara Smith (leader)
-Mel Alm (leader)
-Amy Webb
-Laurel Lotterhos
-Jessie Japzon
-Shilo Norris
-Kim Anderson
-Kate Bell

-Ernest Smith (leader)
-Gary McElveen
-Travis Evans
-John Lotterhos
-Brian Crittenden
-Brian Thompson

Where We Are Going:
We will be heading to the Turkana tribe located in the northern region of Kenya. If you are looking at a map, find Sudan and we are located about 2 hours south of the Sudan border. We will be right outside of a town called Lodwar, in the middle of the bush (a term used to describe the middle of nowhere, not an actual bush). We will in this are for the majority of our trip.

What We Are Going to be Doing:
We will be ministering to the Turkana tribe. There is an estimated 10 million Kenyans that will die of starvation this year. A large percentage of the Turkana tribe will be part of this statistic. We will be bringing food to give to families, including goats, conducting a medical outreach with our two nurses (Sara and Jessie) and a Kenyan doctor and walking many miles each day to tell individuals about the love of Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He gave so that we could have eternal life. We will also be conducting children's ministry and teaching the discipleship students.

How You Can Help:
Prayer, prayer, prayer. Please be praying for us. Pray, ultimately, for God's will to be done. Pray that God will bring many Turkanans to know Him personally. Pray that the food we are bringing will sustain these families for many weeks to come. Pray for the travel and food and all the many challenges we will face. Ultimately, we know that God is for us, so who can be against us. We know that God will have His will be done, so just continue to pray for us and may God use your prayers to bring great success.

We will be leaving Saturday afternoon at 12:30pm from the Charleston airport, traveling to Atl.
From Atlanta, we will be flying to Amsterdam and will arrive at 2:10am Eastern time.
From Amsterdam, we will fly to Nairobi and land in Nairobi at 12:25pm Eastern time on Sunday.

We will stay in Nairobi for 2 nights and then on Tuesday morning, we will fly to Lodwar where we will stay for the majority of our time.

We will try to keep everyone updated on what is happening with our team and what God is doing. Know that once we fly to Lodwar, we will have no computer access for over a week. Please be praying for us and continue to check back to see what God is doing.

Thank you for joining our team. May the Lord use all of us to work His will and bring many Kenyans to know Him personally.

In Christ's Love,
theWell Kenyan Team 09


  1. Woot Woot!!! This trip is going to be amazing!

  2. Hey ya'll thanks for the blog - it looks great and I feel like I finally understand what ya'll are doing there - please post some photos for us to see :)
    We promise today, our prayers for all of you on the team, for your safety, for God's blessing upon you, and for powerful GOD-sized ministry to happen - and miracles every day!

  3. For the Lotterhos family (Laurel and John):
    know that your JI small group loves you and we're praying for you. We can't wait to hear from you about all you saw and experienced there.

  4. I'm praying for ya'll! Be blessed!

  5. You guys are on your way!! I will be in prayer... just about always! You guys rock! I know for us it was tough at times trying to make this happen - BUT - we NEVER GAVE UP! And boy was it worth it! Now to everyone that is a part of this team... whether in Kenya... or here at home praying... NEVER GIVE UP! (I know you guys headed to Kenya... there will be no surrender flags... you guys are ready!!) God Rocks and he can't wait for us to tell and show the world! Gosh... I love you guys~! ;-)

  6. What a wonderful way to start our day. Spending time with the Kenya Team as they prepared to leave from Charleston Airport. It was just amazing to feel the love between the team and how they already were looking after each other. From a mom point of view that is very comforting and I have a sense of peace that is just overwhelming. I love you all thank you for taking me in and letting me help you get ready for this wonderful trip. I love you Shiloh and pray your time away will be filled with many beautiful stories. Gods Love lynn and Frank

  7. If you order a hamburger, make sure you are specific. Ask for Big Cow. I've been to Kenya and Tanzania. Big cow goes Mooo. Little Cow goes "woof".
    Mr. Roger

  8. Go forward fearlessly.
    Do not think about the Red Sea that lies ahead.
    Be very sure that when you come to it the waters will part and you will pass over to your promised land of freedom.
    The wicked flee when no man pursueth; but the righteous are bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1

    You go with God.... and my love and prayers as well...

  9. Thinking and praying for you all daily.
    Gods Love Lynn

  10. Was so happy to hear you have arrived back in Narirobi. We can not wait to see you all and give you all big hugs. God is So Good All the Time
