Friday, July 17, 2009

New Life.

Before our group headed out to Turkana, we made a stop at an orphanage in Nairobi called New Life Home. This home takes in babies under the ageof three months, most of which are HIV positive and malnourished. At first thought, it seemed as if we would leave this place with heavy hearts. However, what a blessing it turned out to be to see first hand the success of this home and the love and care these children receive! Nearly 90% of the babies that were once HIV positive turn out to be HIV negative through early treatment, nourishment, love, and prayers. Also, 75% of the children are adopted into loving homes. It was truly amazing to see God restore the lives of these little children. Here is the experience through Kate's eyes:

"Going to the orphanage in Nairobi was an encouraging experience to have seen before heading into the rough, starving world of Turkana. All the children we saw began their lives with a rough beginning but had been given the chance at a new life. God is doing wonders through that place. It was made to be more than just a house to grow up in, but a real home where the children are loved and taken care of. The babies we saw were smiling, playing, and had the rosie cheeks of health.

When you get into Turkana, your heart just breaks at the sight of the children. They are sick, underfed, and always covered in flies. So to look back at the orphanage visit, it was encouraging to remember that not all children have to suffer like that, and that there is a place for them to be safe and cared for."

It's so comforting to know that our almighty God can bring everyone of us out from such a dark place with a bleak future....just like He is doing in the lives of these children in Kenya.
For more information on this orphanage you can go to

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

God Bless America

We finally made it back safely to the States last night after at least 30 long hours of traveling. Whether it be the food, water, cleanliness, smell, or air conditioner...I think each and every one of us has a new or fresh appreciation for the U.S. We were all so glad to finally be reunited with our loved ones. Some of us almost knocked people over to get ours that much faster after getting off the plane....just kidding...I think? We were all just grateful to have our two feet on the ground after that shaky landing in the storm. Praise God for the hand of protection He had over us through our travels.

Some of us are probably thinking the hard part is over, but is it really? How do we share this experience with everyone so that people can fully understand what we went through, how we felt, and the mighty things that God did? It's almost harder than living out the actual experience. We don't want God's work to end now that we're back. We want to continue furthering His Kingdom and bringing Him glory through this story. Hopefully by doing so, we will continue to reach out to more people (even here in the U.S.) and gain more support for Bread of Life missions. So now we will begin to tell the story in more detail of the work the Lord did through us in Turkana. Stay tuned...

Matthew 5:14

Thursday, July 2, 2009

We're Back!!!

All we can really say is "WOW!" We have literally just arrived back in Nairobi from the bush of Turkana. We don't have a lot of time, so this message will be brief, but we want everyone to know that we are all doing very well and God showed up in big ways while we were in Turkana. We saw so many Turkanas come to know Jesus Christ personally, we were able to serve over 100 families with food relief and even more with medical relief. God has truly amazed each one of us and we are excited to see what the rest of the trip holds.

Today, we are about to eat lunch and then heading to the world's largest slum, Kabira, before heading to the city market to get some souveniers. Tomorrow we will wake up very early for a much need rest on a trip that will not only make memories, but will allow us to encounter God's creation up close and personal. We are going on a safari. After that we are heading home. Thanks for everyone's love and prayers. We will write more once we get a little bit more time.

The Kenya Team of 09